What is a Custody and Control Form?(CCF)

Custody and Control Forms, or CCFs, are used to record and track results of drug tests. This refers to the paper trail demonstrating the testing and analysis of a urine specimen and is frequently used for routine drug testing for employment or legal purposes.

Who fills out the chain of custody form?

To facilitate tracking of the sample, the person in charge of collecting the specimen must fill out the chain of custody paperwork and label the sample container/bags.

Lia Robinson

I am a person who views life positively in all aspects. I enjoy a wide variety of activities, sights, and experiences.

Born & raised in Harlem, New York. A few of my interests include blogging, spending time with close friends, reading educational books, and traveling around the world. To find out more about me, get in touch.

IG: @getlashedylia


How long does it take to get the results of a drug test?


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