The potency of marijuana has increased over the past few decades, rising from an average of 4% in the 1980s to 15% now. THC content in marijuana extracts used in dabbing and edibles can range from 50% to 90%.

Because of its rising popularity, new processes, variants with more THC, and consumption methods like vape pens, edibles, and dabs have been created.

Using advanced techniques, producers and processors can filter out larger amounts of resin, a sticky substance that includes an array of cannabinoids, including THC and cannabidiol.

Marijuana with a high concentration is more addictive than marijuana with a lower concentration.

Contact local medical specialists and ask for assistance if you are experiencing any negative effects of marijuana consumption or to Schedule your test with Precision Mobile Testing, Call Today! #precisionmobiletesting

Lia Robinson

I am a person who views life positively in all aspects. I enjoy a wide variety of activities, sights, and experiences.

Born & raised in Harlem, New York. A few of my interests include blogging, spending time with close friends, reading educational books, and traveling around the world. To find out more about me, get in touch.

IG: @getlashedylia


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