What Happens When There is a Drug Test Refusal?

It is considered a refusal to test if an employee leaves before making a full effort to submit a specimen in the given three hours or before the collector granted permission to them.

If you refuse to take a drug test, be ready to suffer the repercussions. Refusing a drug test suggests that you have something to conceal in the eyes law enforcement. If it's for employment, the employer will have to make that choice. If this person is an applicant and they are not yet your employee, they have the right to decline a job offer at any time, even if they are in the testing area getting ready to take the exam.

The repercussions of not having a job will be felt by you if you choose to refuse a pre-employment drug test. You cannot decline if it is a court-ordered requirement of your parole, probation, or house arrest; otherwise, you risk going to jail. When you are given a prescription for a control substance, they may screen you to make sure you are not abusing it or taking any other drugs. You can decline that one, but your medication won't be fulfilled.

The collector will make a note on the drug test form that the employee left while the specimen was being collected and will get in touch with the employer promptly to notify them. If a refusal to test took place, the employer would then need to assess the issue by checking the specifics with the collector, speaking with the applicant or employee, and then coming to a decision.

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Lia Robinson

I am a person who views life positively in all aspects. I enjoy a wide variety of activities, sights, and experiences.

Born & raised in Harlem, New York. A few of my interests include blogging, spending time with close friends, reading educational books, and traveling around the world. To find out more about me, get in touch.

IG: @getlashedylia


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