Is There a Future in Hair Drug Testing For the FMCSA?


It is believed that because the detection period for hair test is longer than urine & can reveal prior use of illegal substances, you would be able eliminate drivers who can potentially provide a false specimen.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has notified members of congress to not allow the hair testing method as a replacement of urine testing until the Health and Human Services (HHS) sets in motion the federal standards for hair testing.

Many argue about the request to start hair testing because it will create a shortage of drivers and supply chain disruptions. Motor carriers believe that such a decision would cause difficulty in the hiring process of obtaining drivers.

For more information regarding FMCSA testing, feel free to contact Precision Mobile Testing so that we can service your drug testing needs.


As of recent, The Federal Motor Carrier safety Administration (FMCSA) has turned down the hair testing method to determine a driver's drug use.

The standard hair drug test will detect if an individual has used or abused illegal substances within a 90-day period.

Moving forward with the decision would mean the positive hair test would be reported to the clearinghouse as well as owner operators requesting a driver’s records.

The trucking industry is confident that the hair method is much more accurate and more effective determining a habitual drug user than the urine method.

Lia Robinson

I am a person who views life positively in all aspects. I enjoy a wide variety of activities, sights, and experiences.

Born & raised in Harlem, New York. A few of my interests include blogging, spending time with close friends, reading educational books, and traveling around the world. To find out more about me, get in touch.

IG: @getlashedylia


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