How Quickly Can Someone Become Addicted To A Drug?

Becoming addicted means, you are in a state where you don’t have control over taking something that can eventually become harmful to you. The various stages of addiction can happen rapidly or develop within months or even years.

Stages of addiction:

-The initial use of the drug would be the first step towards addiction.

-Secondly the abuse of the drug

-Once you start abusing the drug over a long period of time, you become tolerant.

- Building tolerance leads to your dependance on the substance. You start to want to rely on the drug often.

-Once you become dependent on drugs, this can further lead to addiction.


The effectiveness of a drug has a high impact on how rapid someone can develop an addiction.

Although there is no cure for addiction like any other chronic disease, there are many ways to manage the addiction. If you or someone you know develop signs of addiction, contact your nearest addiction treatment center (with board-certified physicians on staff) to further assist you. Precision Mobile Testing can assist you on your drug and alcohol testing needs. contact us today to schedule your test!

Lia Robinson

I am a person who views life positively in all aspects. I enjoy a wide variety of activities, sights, and experiences.

Born & raised in Harlem, New York. A few of my interests include blogging, spending time with close friends, reading educational books, and traveling around the world. To find out more about me, get in touch.

IG: @getlashedylia


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