How Long do Drugs Stay in Your System?
The duration of drugs staying in your system varies depending on someone’s weight, health, tolerance, how much your intake is, your age etc. Typically, the average time frame is said to be about 1-5 days in urine 90 Days in hair and 1-5 days in blood. It is said that even if two people who use the same substance can have a different experience as far as the results.

Drugs are described to have specific half-life. This means the duration it would take for the kidney and the liver to process and eliminate half of the amount of the substance that is in the bloodstream. If a drug has a longer half-life, this will take longer to leave your system.
For anyone concerned about a drug being traceable in your system, please avoid the use of drugs to receive a negative drug test.
Call Precision Mobile Testing today to schedule a personal drug test to make sure you don’t have traceable drugs in your system. #precisionmobiletesting

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IG: @getlashedylia