DOT POLICY QUESTIONNAIRE Dropdown DOT POLICY QUESTIONNAIRE Company Name * DER (Designated Employee Representative) * Phone * (###) ### #### Company Email * Address Line 1 * Address Line 2 City/State/Zip * DOT Number # * DOT Agency * FMCSA FAA USCG PHMSA FTA FRA How many employees? * Effective Date of policy * MM DD YYYY Do you need a non- DOT policy too? * YES NO Specimen Type * (select all that apply) DOT Required (Urine) Hair (If you want to include hair too) In the case of a positive drug test what will be the consequence? Immediate Termination Second chance - (Employee must complete a SAP- Substance Abuse Professional, subjecting to a second chance agreement, any further positive test or refusal will result to immediate termination & removed from safety sensitive position Other (Detailed description) Other (if this applies) In case of a positive alcohol test, what will be the consequence? * Same as for positive drug test Other (Detailed description) Other (If this applies) In case of a refusal, what will be the consequence? * Same as for positive drug test Other (Detailed description) Other (If this applies) In case of a negative dilute specimen on a current employee, what will be the consequence? * Result can be accepted as is Employee must retest along with a supervisor to escort the employee In case of a negative dilute specimen on a hired applicant, what will be the consequence? * Result can be accepted as is Applicant must retest within a 24-hour period and come up with a non-diluted specimen to further receive the position Does your company have a SAP in place? * (If not, you can research your nearest SAP through search engine & then provide us the following info) Yes No SAP Name SAP contact name SAP Phone # SAP Address Line 1 SAP City, State & Zip code How can the employee access the SAP? An invoice will be sent you shortly or a call for upfront payment * Email My invoice Text my invoice Call me for payment Invoice (phone# or Email) if not a call Additonal Policy details I agree to terms & conditions * I AGREE Once a payment has been submitted, we will begin to work on your policy * I AGREE Thank you! Fill out the following questionnaire below, so that your company DOT policy can be generated (Terms & Condition)