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What Is ETG (Ethyl Glucuronide) Testing?

Ethyl glucuronide, often known as ETG, is a result of ethanol, (alcohol that one consumes), and glucuronide, a typical biological component produced in the liver that binds several drugs and toxins in the body to enable urine excretion. ETG is created when a person consumes alcohol, even in relatively tiny amounts, and it can be found in the urine or hair.

ETG or ethyl glucuronide testing is available using urine or hair samples, and it measures previous alcohol intake. The results of an ETG test do not indicate present intoxication or impairment.

ETG remains in the body far longer in the urine than alcohol does in the blood or breath. It can stay in the urine for up to 48 hours after a few drinks, and sometimes for up to 72 hours or longer if the drinking is excessive. It's also crucial to remember that the ETG test is rarely applied when someone may be driving or working while intoxicated. A breathalyzer test is frequently used in those cases where impairment is suspected.

Although ETG is unable to determine an individual's alcohol consumption, higher levels often suggest higher levels of drinking. Different circumstances, nevertheless, can have an impact on this. For instance, the ETG levels will be substantially lower if a long period of time has passed since the last time the person drank alcohol. Additionally, the amount of ETG that may be measured has a limit. Drinking more than the ETG can detect won't affect those levels because ETG tests are made to identify any form of consuming alcohol, not just excessive drinking.

ETG alcohol tests have a high degree of accuracy and are quite precise. These tests are simple to administer and non-invasive. Urine samples can be taken without compromising an individual’s privacy or personal space.

A positive ETG test typically verifies that a person was exposed to ethanol in the days preceding the urinalysis and a negative ETG test indicates that the individual being tested was not exposed to ethanol during the testing window (up to five days). Urine ETG test results can be received within 1 to 3 business days, and in some cases, up to 5 days. A hair test, on the other hand, can identify up to 90 days.

The key to receiving the most reliable ETG test result is to avoid anything containing alcohol, which includes cold medicines, mouthwash, antiperspirant, hand sanitizer, and cleaning products.

To Schedule your ETG test with Precision Mobile Testing, Call Today! #precisionmobiletesting