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What are the signs I should look for when I suspect drug use?

When you have reason to believe a member of your family or a close friend is battling a drug addiction, it can be difficult to know how to determine whether someone is using drugs and what symptoms to watch for. Thankfully, there are a few reliable ways to identify drug use in someone you care about. Even the substances they may be misusing can be determined by certain indications.

It may be easier to spot a problem if you are aware of the indicators that someone is using drugs. Taking action to solve this issue could help you save the life of a loved one. It's crucial to discuss seeking treatment with your loved one if you think they are actually misusing drugs or alcohol.

Drug addiction is a condition that fundamentally alters how the brain and behavior operate. Repeated use of a substance that is addictive might eventually result in an inability to stop using the substance, changing a person's priorities, behavior, and appearance noticeably.

There are some broad behavioral changes to watch for that can help you identify whether someone you know may be experiencing an addiction to drugs, even though the signs and symptoms of drug use vary depending on the drug.

common indicators include:

Changes in Appetite: Some medications will reduce appetite, while others can accelerate the process of gaining weight.

Lack of good hygene: When a person's use of drugs takes precedence in their life, hygiene and appearance may start to fade in importance. Due to the mental side effects of drug usage, some people could forget they haven't taken care of themselves.

Changes in Sleep Patterns: These drugs can produce strong highs marked by anxiousness and periods of drowsiness when used excessively and abused.

Lack of self-confidence, energy, or motivation: You might note that this person is exhibiting more depressive side effects due to the ups and downs of drug misuse, especially when they're coming down after a high.

Sudden weight loss or weight gain: Several addictive substances might affect your weight. They accomplish this through altering your brain, altering your priorities, and impacting your organs or metabolism. Unhealthy eating habits, such as missing meals or consuming nutrient-deficient foods, might emerge when using drugs or alcohol is your major priority.

Unsteady feet, hands, or head: Unintentional shaking caused by the use of drugs is known as drug-induced shaking. When you tremble unintentionally and find it unable to stop, you are said to be impulsive. You shake as you move or attempt to hold your hands, arms, or head in a particular position. There are no further symptoms connected to it.

Vomiting, nausea, or heavy perspiration: Sweating is typically accompanied by other symptoms that the patient may not be aware of when it is directly linked to the use of an addictive substance. These symptoms could include unusual chills, intense anxiety that becomes paranoid, body and limb shaking, and nausea. 

Impaired speech: Drug misuse damages the brain, which can result in speech difficulties. Drugs that are taken without a prescription, illegally, or in excess enter the bloodstream and circulate throughout the body. Drugs can harm the part of the brain responsible for communication when they pass through the blood vessels in the brain, which could lead to speech impairment.

A few Common drugs and their physical side effects:

Cocaine: Cocaine's intense energy, alertness, and hypersensitivity are its brief, immediate side effects. Its effects on the brain's dopamine neurotransmitter system significantly stimulate usage that is repeated and more frequent.

Heroin: Most often, indications of drug abuse can be picked up by keeping an eye on someone over time. If you believe a loved one is struggling with drug addiction, acquire help.

Marijuana: Some claim that cannabis alters their way of thinking and changes their perspective. However, it does impair your judgment, and individuals frequently believe conversations or thoughts they have. Additionally, it can give you the munchies or a nauseous feeling. You can feel sleepy or drowsy and experience a sense of time slowing down as a result.

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