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What Are the Methods of Drug Testing and How Does It Work?

Depending on the biological sample they use and the drugs they find, there are many different settings and methods used to order and administer drug testing. In addition to legal substances like alcohol and tobacco, drugs also include over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, and illicit drugs. The frequency and severity of substance use cannot be determined by a single drug test, making it impossible to differentiate between normal substance use and substance use disorders.

The various types of drug tests consist of:

Urine Drug Testing - A urine sample is tested for drugs by looking for signs of recent use or abuse. Testing can identify the use of legal substances such as alcohol and tobacco as well as prescription and over-the-counter drugs as well as illegal or prohibited drugs. Urine drug testing is frequently used to check for drug use or abuse in the workplace. A urine drug test may be requested by an employer during the hiring process, for routine or arbitrary employee drug testing, or when there is a suspicion of drug usage due to symptoms or workplace mishaps.

Hair Drug Testing - Drug usage or abuse can be found in a sample of hair using a hair follicle test. Drug testing has the ability to detect not only the use of illegal drugs but also the abuse of legal substances like alcohol and tobacco as well as prescription and over-the-counter meds. During hair follicle drug testing, a small sample of hair is removed using scissors. Hair follicle drug testing has advantages over other types of testing, including a long detection window and the capacity to predict patterns of drug usage over time.

Blood Drug Testing - Blood testing is frequently used to detect recent drug use, such as within a few hours of consumption. Because it is costly, this type of testing is not generally employed. A needle is used to extract a blood sample from a finger prick or a vein in your arm, and your blood sample is analysed by a certified laboratory.

Oral Drug Testing - A mouth swab drug test is a testing method that looks for drug use. This is also known as an oral fluids drug test or a saliva drug test. The usage of saliva tests as a substitute for urine drug tests is increasing. It's easier to administer them. The samples are nearly impossible to tamper with because they are collected in front of the test-giver. They are used for a variety of purposes, including post-accident testing, random or period testing, and pre-employment screening. When they think someone is driving while impaired by marijuana or other drugs, several police departments also use saliva drug tests for roadside drug testing.


The duration of drug and alcohol effects on the body varies substantially. A cocaine high, for example, lasts 15-30 minutes, but detectable residues may last longer. Depending on how long a chemical remains in the body after its effects have worn off, different testing procedures will be used. Certain drugs leave just short-term traces while others linger for weeks.

The rate at which different drugs are metabolized and broken down by your body varies, therefore the window of time for their detection in your system can be very narrow and wildly erratic depending on the substance. The most frequent method of identifying drugs is urine testing.

For a number of reasons, you might require a drug test. The workplace is where drug testing is most frequently used. There are many reasons why employers can want a drug test.

Drug tests are frequently used for alcohol use disorder and other substance use disorders diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. Drug testing can be used to monitor abstinence, assess treatment adherence, and spot early relapses.

A drug test involves the following 3 steps: collection, laboratory analysis, and Medical Review. It is important for you to comprehend these processes as an employer and the function they serve in running a successful and productive drug testing program.

It's crucial to be aware that some drugs may generate false positives before you undergo a drug test. Bring any prescription or over-the-counter drugs, supplements, or herbal treatments you use to the test if you do. By doing so, the provider will be able to examine them and perhaps take away any false positives from your results.

The requirement for test preparation may also cross your mind. In most cases, this is not required. Drink enough liquids to enable you to produce a sample in a timely manner if you must participate in a urinalysis.

If you're worried that your past drug usage will cause a positive result, know that tampering with the sample or making an effort to fake a positive result won't usually work. There are policies and procedures in place to stop people from falsifying tests, and getting caught typically has severe repercussions than a test that comes back positive.

To Schedule your drug test with Precision Mobile Testing, Call Today! #precisionmobiletesting