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Study Says, Over Half of Car Accident Victims Had Drugs Or Alcohol In Their System.

Traffic deaths have risen drastically since the beginning of the pandemic, considered to be described as crisis levels. While research is still coming out about the impact on traffic safety, more and more states are legalizing recreational marijuana.

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The U.S Highway safety regulators discovered that more than half of the victims who were involved in a serious or fatal car accident had drugs or alcohol in their system.

It is said by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrative that just over 54% of injured drivers had THC or alcohol in their system.

The high numbers in the amount of drivers having drugs or alcohol in their systems raise a huge concern within the safety of the roads.

As far as alcohol, Ann Carlson who is an administrator of NHTSA mentions how study found about 20% of the drivers who tested had high blood levels of alcohol (0.08% or higher) which exceeds the limit in all states.

In Washington D.C, it is said to be normal to see someone who just had a few drinks or smoking marijuana and drive almost immediately after. The roads themselves tend to have a stench of marijuana due to someone actively smoking while driving.

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