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How long does it take to get the results of a drug test?

Depending on the type of test being conducted, drug test results often take 24 to 48 hours. When the result of a test is negative, results are delivered significantly faster. Drug test results may take many days to confirm because the MRO procedure is very strict and must be carried out precisely. Even after the lab receives the specimen, there are several of factors that effect turnaround times. These factors can affect how long it takes for the specimen to arrive at the lab. When was the collection completed first? Was the specimen transported to the lab overnight? When was it delivered to the lab? Was there a need for confirmation or further testing? Was the Medical Review Officer's evaluation needed? Was a prescription's validity required? Each of these has an impact on how quickly test results can be released. The majority of samples are sent overnight to the lab, but if they were collected late in the day, they might not be sent until the next day. The medical review officer will either release a confirmed negative result or start the process of contacting the person who was tested if the lab result was positive once a drug test is confirmed at the lab, meaning they have a verified and legally plausible result. If the test is positive, donor contact will be necessary to verify any prescriptions or to determine whether the positive test result has a valid medical explanation.

Urine Results

The turnaround times for urine testing are among the quickest to receive. After the testing lab receives the specimen, almost all negative results will be accessible to you within 1-2 business days.

Hair Results

All of the drugs that a urine screen can find can also be detected in a hair test. A hair test will often take 1-2 days longer for results than a urine test for drugs. Negative test results are typically accessible in 2-5 business days, but positive test results might take up to a week to confirm.

Blood Drug Test

Blood drug tests have a much smaller window of detection; for the majority of drugs, it begins minutes after intake and lasts one to three days. The outcomes of blood drug tests, like the results of other blood tests, can be affected by a number of factors. Results for blood can take anywhere from 3-7 business days once the specimen has reached the lab.

Keep in mind the many factors that can occur during the process of sending a specimen to the lab. Certain laboratories may occasionally have to temporarily close or reduce staff due to their location in an area that experiences snowstorms or other forms of weather. Stay in touch with your drug test provider and know that most of the staff are dedicated to providing you with the results as quickly as possible and will work to make that happen.

The quickest method of testing urine is through a rapid urine test. Rapid drug testing generates results that are classified as either negative or non-negative (not necessarily positive). If any drugs are detected, it will go through the confirmation process, however If not, it will be considered a negative result.

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