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Cancelled Drug Test Results

A drug test that is cancelled has neither a good nor negative outcome. It might require a redo in some circumstances. In other cases, the MRO will cancel the test and keep it in its current state.

Before starting employment, the individual whose test was cancelled must acquire a validated negative drug test result. A failed drug test does not satisfy the requirements.

There are several of factors behind lab and/or MRO cancellations of a drug test. If a clerical error is discovered that the perpetrator is unable to correct in a timely manner, one of the cogs in the testing process may reject the specimen for testing or cancel the drug test.

A Few factors of a cancelled test include:

-No Valid Medical Justification for the False Test

-It was identified as a fatal flaw: an irreparable error in the drug testing process

-Insufficient urine in the initial specimen

-If the levels of creatinine or the specific gravity are suspicious

-Admittance of Tampering

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